Monday, July 22, 2013

All about us..

Colours of life.
  We (he & she) are software engineers trying to spice up our lives with new experiences, travels and photography. 

We entitled our blog livingwiththecolurs because all the other good names are already taken. haha. Other than that, we came up with this explanation:

What brings colours to our life?
1. LOVE. Life is all about love.
     a. LOVE for God.
     b. LOVE one another.
     c. Do things we LOVE (travel, photography, etc.).
2. EXPLORE. Try new things 'cause we might love it too.
3. BE HAPPY. Just be happy.

We want to color our lives with all these things.


We are not getting any younger and for the past years our lives revolved around our work and with all the OVERTIMES. We wanted CHANGE! We took several steps to change our cycle and decided to always hold on to this motto: "Work & Life balance". After all, we work to LIVE, not the other way around.

     It is about time to really live our life the way God intended it to be : spread God's love and ENJOY.

     We believe that the ultimate goal of life is to experience God's LOVE and spread God's LOVE. Yes, LOVE. It's such a cliche but it is true that love really makes the world go round.

     Also, We think God wants us to enjoy, do things that we love(photography), and explore new things. We are surrounded of so many beautiful people, places & all other things waiting to be explored. 

    Our dream is to travel to new places, meet new people and try new things. This dream is too expensive for us right now, so we will start small. We'll go to places within our reach. We'll start here in Metro Manila. Someday, we'll travel around the world. :)

    What better way to record and share our experiences than this Photoblog. So, yeah, we created this blog. Not only will it improve our photography skills, it will also improve our writing skills. As you know, most engineers hate writing. We are one of them. hehe! Hitting two birds with one stone :))

We are software engineers trying to say, "HELLO WORLD!!!".


  1. So proud to have this beautiful and talented couple as my friends! God bless, Cla and Bino! :)
